Daedalus and Icarus
Lines 182-220
interea Creten longumque perosus
exilium tactusque loic natalis amore
clausus erat pelago. 'terras licet' inquit 'et undas
obstruat: et caelum certe patet; ibimus illac:
omnia possideat , non possidet aera Minos.'
dixit et ignotas animum dimittit in artes
naturamque novat. Nam ponit in ordine pennas
a minima coeptas, longam breviore sequenti,
ut clivo crevisse putes: sic rustica quondam
fistula disparibus paulatim surgit avenis;
tum lino medias et ceris alligat imas
atque ita conpositas parvo curvamine flectit,
ut veras imitetur aves.
"... φτερά έχω πιό πολλά
απ' όσα χρειάζονται
για να πετάξω ..."
Puer Icarus una
stabat et, ignarus sua se tractare pericla,
ore renidenti modo, quas vaga moverat aura,
captabat plumas, flavam modo pollice ceram
mollibat lusuque suo mirabile patris
imoediebt opus. Postquam manus ultima coepto
inposita est, geminas opifex libravit in alas
ipse suum corpus motaque pependit in aura;
instruit et natum 'medio' que 'ut limite curras,
Icare' ait 'monea, ne, si demissior ibis,
unda gravet pennas, si celsior, ignis adurat:
inter utrumque vola. Nec te spectare Booten
aut Helicen iubeo strictumque Orionis ensem:
me duce carpe viam!' pariter praecepta volandi
tradit et ignotas umeris accommodat alas.
Inter opus monitusque genae maduere seniles,
et patriae tremuere manus; dedit oscula nato
non iterum repetenda suo pennisque levatus
ante volat comitique timet, velus ales, ab alto
quae teneram prlem produxit in aera nido,
hortaturque sequi damnosasque erudit artes
et movet ipse suas et nati respicit alas.
Hos aliquis tremula dum captat harundine pisces,
aut pastor baculo stivave innixus arator
vidit et obstipuit, quique aethera carpere possent,
credidit esse deos.
stabat et, ignarus sua se tractare pericla,
ore renidenti modo, quas vaga moverat aura,
captabat plumas, flavam modo pollice ceram
mollibat lusuque suo mirabile patris
imoediebt opus. Postquam manus ultima coepto
inposita est, geminas opifex libravit in alas
ipse suum corpus motaque pependit in aura;
instruit et natum 'medio' que 'ut limite curras,
Icare' ait 'monea, ne, si demissior ibis,
unda gravet pennas, si celsior, ignis adurat:
inter utrumque vola. Nec te spectare Booten
aut Helicen iubeo strictumque Orionis ensem:
me duce carpe viam!' pariter praecepta volandi
tradit et ignotas umeris accommodat alas.
Inter opus monitusque genae maduere seniles,
et patriae tremuere manus; dedit oscula nato
non iterum repetenda suo pennisque levatus
ante volat comitique timet, velus ales, ab alto
quae teneram prlem produxit in aera nido,
hortaturque sequi damnosasque erudit artes
et movet ipse suas et nati respicit alas.
Hos aliquis tremula dum captat harundine pisces,
aut pastor baculo stivave innixus arator
vidit et obstipuit, quique aethera carpere possent,
credidit esse deos.
"τ' αστέρια πήρε
για δροσιάς πηγή"
5 σχόλια:
Πειράζει που δεν κατάλαβα τίποτα;
Μ άρεσαν όμως τα σκίτσα
Καλή μέρα πάντα
τίποτα δεν κατάλαβες;
να το διορθώσουμε, τότε !
LINE 182
Meanwhile Daedalus was hating Crete and his long exile for a long time, and of thin touch and the love of his place of birth was closed to the sea. He said, “He might stop our flight by land and sea: and he certainly opens the sky; we will go there: he has all knowledge, Minos does not have the air. He said [this] and applied his mind into skills and he changed nature. For he put feathers in series starting from the smallest, following shorter [feathers] with the longer [ones], so that you might think they might have developed like that on a slant: thus a long time ago the country reed pipe were grown unequaled; then he connected them with thread and wax at the bottom when they were set, he bent each into a small curve, so that he could imitate the birds truly.
LINE 195
Together (with Daedalus) the boy Icarus was standing, and, ignorant that he was dragging his own danger, which the wandering breeze moved, he caught laughingly the feathers, and he made soft of yellow wax with only his thumb and he prevented in his game the wonderful work of his father. After he put the final hand to what he had started, the maker balanced his body in between two wings and balancedd in the passing air; he instructed the son too, and he said, 'Permit me to warn you Icarus, keep the middle track, if you go too low, or if you go to high the sun will burn them: go between the extremes. I order you not to watch Bootes or Helice or Orion's drawn sword.
LINE 208
Take the path i show you!' At the same moment as he laid down the rules of flight, he fitted the newly created wings on the [boy's] shoulders. Meanwhie as he worked and gave his warnings, the old man's cheeks were were wet with tears: and the father's hands were trembling; he gave a never to be rpeated kiss to his son, and on his wings having been lifted upwards [he] flew up ahead, nervous about his companion, as a bird, showing her children out of a nest above into the empty air, and he advised the boy to follow and demonstrated to him the dangerous art of flying, [by] moving his own wings, and then looking back towards his son. Some fisherman while catching a fish with a shaking fishing rod, or a shepherd supporting himself on his staff, or a ploughamn supporting himself on the handles of his plough, maybe saw them, and stood astounded, believing them to be gods able to travel the sky.
Καλά ότι θα καθόμουνα να διαβάζω Λατινικά έχοντας μελετήσει την αγγλική μετάφρραση και πάλι πίσω στο αυθεντικό και ξανά, αναγνωρίζοντας τις λέξεις μία μία που μου ήταν γνωστές απ τα γαλλικά και θα καράφερρνα να διαβάσω και να καταλάβω τέλεια τον Οβίδιο, (όλα αυτά εγώ;!) ε δεν το φανταζόμουνα ποτέ.
Τελικά ποτέ μην πεις ποτέ σ αυτή τη ζωή…
Ευχαρρριστώ για το όμορρρφο απόγευμα.
ο καθείς στο είδος του...
ο δάσκαλος, οφείλει να δημιουργεί μιά υποκίνηση...
και να χει έγνοια
για όποιον δεν καταλαβαίνει
Δημοσίευση σχολίου